Increase Power With Sand Plyos
In a previous article we explained why sand is a great tool for improving speed and agility. In this installment, we discuss how training in the sand can increase power.
Sand Plyos
Sand is also forgiving, reducing the impact on your joints during exercise, helping to preserve joint health and lowering the chance of injury.
To supercharge your power training, perform these three tried and true plyometric exercises on sand.
Jump and Tuck
This is a great drill to enhance your vertical jump.
- Assume athletic stance
- Lower into quarter squat with weight on heels
- Jump straight up as high as possible and tuck knees to chest
- Extend legs and land with soft knees; immediately perform second rep
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3-5×10
Standing Long Jump
This is one of my favorite plyometric exercises. It’s a great measure of lower-body power. Because landing on soft sand is easier on your joints, you can go for max effort.
- Assume athletic stance
- Lower into quarter squat and swing arms backward
- Explode with legs and swing arms to propel body forward as far as possible
- Land on balls of feet with bent knees to absorb impact
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 1×10-15
Hops are similar to Standing Long Jumps, but are performed in quick succession. They teach your body to absorb force on the landing and immediately explode.
- Assume athletic stance
- Lower into quarter squat and swing arms backward
- Explode with legs and swing arms to propel body forward as far as possible
- Land on balls of feet with bent knees to absorb impact
- Immediately perform another jump
- Repeat for specified distance
Sets/Reps: 3-5×10 yards
Increase Power With Sand Plyos
In a previous article we explained why sand is a great tool for improving speed and agility. In this installment, we discuss how training in the sand can increase power.
Sand Plyos
Sand is also forgiving, reducing the impact on your joints during exercise, helping to preserve joint health and lowering the chance of injury.
To supercharge your power training, perform these three tried and true plyometric exercises on sand.
Jump and Tuck
This is a great drill to enhance your vertical jump.
- Assume athletic stance
- Lower into quarter squat with weight on heels
- Jump straight up as high as possible and tuck knees to chest
- Extend legs and land with soft knees; immediately perform second rep
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3-5×10
Standing Long Jump
This is one of my favorite plyometric exercises. It’s a great measure of lower-body power. Because landing on soft sand is easier on your joints, you can go for max effort.
- Assume athletic stance
- Lower into quarter squat and swing arms backward
- Explode with legs and swing arms to propel body forward as far as possible
- Land on balls of feet with bent knees to absorb impact
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 1×10-15
Hops are similar to Standing Long Jumps, but are performed in quick succession. They teach your body to absorb force on the landing and immediately explode.
- Assume athletic stance
- Lower into quarter squat and swing arms backward
- Explode with legs and swing arms to propel body forward as far as possible
- Land on balls of feet with bent knees to absorb impact
- Immediately perform another jump
- Repeat for specified distance
Sets/Reps: 3-5×10 yards