Speed exercise with North Carolina basketball
By Scott Mackar
Improve your speed and leg strength to move faster when your back is to the basket.
The Drill:
Monster Walk w/ Lateral Resistance Band
Who Coaches It:
Jonas Sahratian, head strength and conditioning coach for the University of North Carolina
• Get in defensive stance with band around ankles
• With left leg, step back at 45-degree angle
• Step right leg back, so it’s even with left
• Perform again, starting with right leg
• Cover 12 yards
Sets/Rest/Frequency: 3 sets/60 seconds/2 times a week
• Make sure your step back is controlled.
• Activate your abs and squeeze your glutes, keeping your shoulders square throughout the whole movement.
• Don’t use your upper body. Let your hips and legs mobilize your body.
• To bring your opposite leg in line with the other, land on your toes first, then roll back to your heel.
Speed exercise with North Carolina basketball
By Scott Mackar
Improve your speed and leg strength to move faster when your back is to the basket.
The Drill:
Monster Walk w/ Lateral Resistance Band
Who Coaches It:
Jonas Sahratian, head strength and conditioning coach for the University of North Carolina
• Get in defensive stance with band around ankles
• With left leg, step back at 45-degree angle
• Step right leg back, so it’s even with left
• Perform again, starting with right leg
• Cover 12 yards
Sets/Rest/Frequency: 3 sets/60 seconds/2 times a week
• Make sure your step back is controlled.
• Activate your abs and squeeze your glutes, keeping your shoulders square throughout the whole movement.
• Don’t use your upper body. Let your hips and legs mobilize your body.
• To bring your opposite leg in line with the other, land on your toes first, then roll back to your heel.