Speed Training with Northwestern Wrestling
In collegiate wrestling, Leg Drops, the Razor’s Edge and Sharp Shooters are fast ways to get a DQ. A fast way to get a pin on your opponent is superior foot speed.
According to Drew Pariano, assistant wrestling coach at Northwestern University, foot speed is key to winning a match, especially late in a period. “It’s such a long season, if you don’t focus on foot speed, athletes will actually slow down just because of the wear and tear on their bodies,” Pariano says. That’s why the Wildcats integrate speed work during their workouts.
Being quicker than your opponent also gives you a mental edge, allowing you to capitalize late in matches. “The third period comes around and our guys are excited,” Pariano says. “Whereas, [if] you look at our opponents, their feet get slow and their posture is hunched over.”
The Wildcats perform Partner Jump-Overs to increase their speed and keep the tempo upbeat at the end of their matches.
Partner Jump-Overs
• With partner lying on back, stand on either side of his/her legs
• Stay in narrow athletic stance with knees slightly bent, hips back
• Jump back and forth over partner’s legs as quickly as possible
• Continue for 10-30 seconds; then switch positions
• Progress up the partner’s body, ending each set at the head
Sets: 3-5 for each partner
Benefits: Works fast-twitch muscle movement and simulates quick step movements that happen during a match. This drill can be used as a conditioning exercise.
Speed Training with Northwestern Wrestling
In collegiate wrestling, Leg Drops, the Razor’s Edge and Sharp Shooters are fast ways to get a DQ. A fast way to get a pin on your opponent is superior foot speed.
According to Drew Pariano, assistant wrestling coach at Northwestern University, foot speed is key to winning a match, especially late in a period. “It’s such a long season, if you don’t focus on foot speed, athletes will actually slow down just because of the wear and tear on their bodies,” Pariano says. That’s why the Wildcats integrate speed work during their workouts.
Being quicker than your opponent also gives you a mental edge, allowing you to capitalize late in matches. “The third period comes around and our guys are excited,” Pariano says. “Whereas, [if] you look at our opponents, their feet get slow and their posture is hunched over.”
The Wildcats perform Partner Jump-Overs to increase their speed and keep the tempo upbeat at the end of their matches.
Partner Jump-Overs
• With partner lying on back, stand on either side of his/her legs
• Stay in narrow athletic stance with knees slightly bent, hips back
• Jump back and forth over partner’s legs as quickly as possible
• Continue for 10-30 seconds; then switch positions
• Progress up the partner’s body, ending each set at the head
Sets: 3-5 for each partner
Benefits: Works fast-twitch muscle movement and simulates quick step movements that happen during a match. This drill can be used as a conditioning exercise.
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