Spring Weather Gear
When it comes to your digs this spring, think easy. Easy patterns [light stripes or subtle-colored plaids work with almost everything], easy styles [loose-fit khakis, solid polos and old-school kicks look effortless] and easy colors [neutral blues and browns along with light pinks and greens] should be your go-to buys. Every piece below has that easy look, which makes it pair-able with almost everything else on the page.
1. Polo: PhatFarm XV, $59, phatfarm.com/xv.php // Belt: American Eagle, $29.50, ae.com // Shorts: LRG, $54, l-r-g.com 2. Polo: Unionbay, $59, unionbay.com // Cuff: H&M, $5.90, hm.com // Belt: Lucky Brand Jeans, $38, luckybrandjeans.com // Shorts: J.Crew, $54.50, jcrew.com // Shoes: Asics, $60, asicsamerica.com |
3. Hoodie: Quiksilver, $65, quiksilver.com // Tee: Converse One Star, $15, target.com // Khakis: Old Navy, $29.50, oldnavy.com // Shoes: Nike, $75, nike.com 4. Hoodie: Converse, $23, target.com // Tee: Quiksilver, $28, quiksilver.com // Shorts: Akademiks, $70, akademiks.com // Sandals: Skechers, $34, skechers.com |
5. Hoodie & Shorts: Old Navy, $39.50 & $24.50, oldnavy.com // Sunglasses: American Eagle, $19.50, ae.com // Tee: Fossil, $24, fossil.com // Shoes: adidas, $60, shopadidas.com , avail. 6/08 6. Buttondown: Old Navy, $24.50, oldnavy.com // Shorts: Unionbay, $42, unionbay.com |
7. Tee: Converse, $15, target.com // Hoodie: LRG, $66, l-r-g.com // Pants: Quicksilver, $59, quicksilver.com 8. Polo: Lot 29, $34, lot29.com // Watch: Fossil, $85, fossil.com // Belt: H&M, $19.50, hm.com // Shorts: Quiksilver, $52, quiksilver.com |
Spring Weather Gear
When it comes to your digs this spring, think easy. Easy patterns [light stripes or subtle-colored plaids work with almost everything], easy styles [loose-fit khakis, solid polos and old-school kicks look effortless] and easy colors [neutral blues and browns along with light pinks and greens] should be your go-to buys. Every piece below has that easy look, which makes it pair-able with almost everything else on the page.
1. Polo: PhatFarm XV, $59, phatfarm.com/xv.php // Belt: American Eagle, $29.50, ae.com // Shorts: LRG, $54, l-r-g.com 2. Polo: Unionbay, $59, unionbay.com // Cuff: H&M, $5.90, hm.com // Belt: Lucky Brand Jeans, $38, luckybrandjeans.com // Shorts: J.Crew, $54.50, jcrew.com // Shoes: Asics, $60, asicsamerica.com |
3. Hoodie: Quiksilver, $65, quiksilver.com // Tee: Converse One Star, $15, target.com // Khakis: Old Navy, $29.50, oldnavy.com // Shoes: Nike, $75, nike.com 4. Hoodie: Converse, $23, target.com // Tee: Quiksilver, $28, quiksilver.com // Shorts: Akademiks, $70, akademiks.com // Sandals: Skechers, $34, skechers.com |
5. Hoodie & Shorts: Old Navy, $39.50 & $24.50, oldnavy.com // Sunglasses: American Eagle, $19.50, ae.com // Tee: Fossil, $24, fossil.com // Shoes: adidas, $60, shopadidas.com , avail. 6/08 6. Buttondown: Old Navy, $24.50, oldnavy.com // Shorts: Unionbay, $42, unionbay.com |
7. Tee: Converse, $15, target.com // Hoodie: LRG, $66, l-r-g.com // Pants: Quicksilver, $59, quicksilver.com 8. Polo: Lot 29, $34, lot29.com // Watch: Fossil, $85, fossil.com // Belt: H&M, $19.50, hm.com // Shorts: Quiksilver, $52, quiksilver.com |