Stay Strong on Vacation With This Resistance Band Workout
What do you know about vacation fitness?
That’s a term you don’t hear often, right? Vacation is a time to relax, drink, eat and forget about fitness, right?
For some the answer is definitely yes.
But for others who truly care and know the power of a great sweat, the answer is “sort of.”
Whenever I travel, I know that if I don’t get my workouts in, my energy will be off, my focus blurred and I’m actually more stressed! That’s where vacation fitness comes in. Realizing that my vacation time is a time for relaxation, I only allow myself to work out for 20 minutes per session. The rest of the time is for straight-up rejuvenation.
Here are the two workout tools that I never travel without. They fit easily in my suitcase and I can get a ton of exercises done using just them.
- Band 1 is a small mini-band
- Band 2 is a larger resistance band.
You can buy both of these bands on Amazon. However, I like the durability of the Rogue Monster Bands for the large resistance bands.
Here are two exercises you can start doing now with each of these bands!
Mini-Band Bent Over Y’s
- Hold a solid athletic stance with your chest up, knees bent and shoulders back. Put most of your weight back on your heels.
- Put the mini-band around your wrists.
- Keep your arms straight and raise them overhead, pulling against the band to make a Y shape.
- Do this for 15 reps or 30 seconds keeping tension on the band the entire time.
- 3 sets of 15 reps will have you feeling great!
Mini-Band Push-Up to Arm Raise
- Perform a solid Push-Up with the band on your wrists. At the top of the Push-Up position, raise your arm to head height and keep your arm perfectly straight going against the band resistance.
- Go for 3 sets of 30 seconds, and your chest and shoulders will be lit up!
Resistance Band Split Squats
- Put the band over your neck as is you were putting on a hood.
- Cross the band and place it under one of your feet.
- Take one step back with your opposite leg and perform a Split Squat going against the resistance of the band.
- 3 sets of 15 reps each leg
Band Thrusters
- Place the band under both feet and get under the band with your hands like you would for a Front Squat.
- Squat down slowly with good form (chest up, butt back).
- Stand back up and at the top of the Squat, raise your arms over your head against the resistance of the band.
- Repeat!
- 3 sets of 30 seconds and you will be sweating!
So there you have it! Two pieces of equipment you should never travel without.
Preserve your gains, stay in shape and keep your energy sky high throughout your vacation!
Follow me for more: Instagram , Twitter, Facebook
P.S. Do you like my content? If so, can you do me a huge favor and give me a vote in the Men’s Health Ultimate Guy Contest? Your support means the world to me.
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Stay Strong on Vacation With This Resistance Band Workout
What do you know about vacation fitness?
That’s a term you don’t hear often, right? Vacation is a time to relax, drink, eat and forget about fitness, right?
For some the answer is definitely yes.
But for others who truly care and know the power of a great sweat, the answer is “sort of.”
Whenever I travel, I know that if I don’t get my workouts in, my energy will be off, my focus blurred and I’m actually more stressed! That’s where vacation fitness comes in. Realizing that my vacation time is a time for relaxation, I only allow myself to work out for 20 minutes per session. The rest of the time is for straight-up rejuvenation.
Here are the two workout tools that I never travel without. They fit easily in my suitcase and I can get a ton of exercises done using just them.
- Band 1 is a small mini-band
- Band 2 is a larger resistance band.
You can buy both of these bands on Amazon. However, I like the durability of the Rogue Monster Bands for the large resistance bands.
Here are two exercises you can start doing now with each of these bands!
Mini-Band Bent Over Y’s
- Hold a solid athletic stance with your chest up, knees bent and shoulders back. Put most of your weight back on your heels.
- Put the mini-band around your wrists.
- Keep your arms straight and raise them overhead, pulling against the band to make a Y shape.
- Do this for 15 reps or 30 seconds keeping tension on the band the entire time.
- 3 sets of 15 reps will have you feeling great!
Mini-Band Push-Up to Arm Raise
- Perform a solid Push-Up with the band on your wrists. At the top of the Push-Up position, raise your arm to head height and keep your arm perfectly straight going against the band resistance.
- Go for 3 sets of 30 seconds, and your chest and shoulders will be lit up!
Resistance Band Split Squats
- Put the band over your neck as is you were putting on a hood.
- Cross the band and place it under one of your feet.
- Take one step back with your opposite leg and perform a Split Squat going against the resistance of the band.
- 3 sets of 15 reps each leg
Band Thrusters
- Place the band under both feet and get under the band with your hands like you would for a Front Squat.
- Squat down slowly with good form (chest up, butt back).
- Stand back up and at the top of the Squat, raise your arms over your head against the resistance of the band.
- Repeat!
- 3 sets of 30 seconds and you will be sweating!
So there you have it! Two pieces of equipment you should never travel without.
Preserve your gains, stay in shape and keep your energy sky high throughout your vacation!
Follow me for more: Instagram , Twitter, Facebook
P.S. Do you like my content? If so, can you do me a huge favor and give me a vote in the Men’s Health Ultimate Guy Contest? Your support means the world to me.