ACL Injury
The New Procedure That’s Revolutionizing ACL Surgery and Recovery
When Tom Brady tore the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of his left knee (as well as his medial collateral ligament) in 2008, the expected recovery and rehabilitation time for such [...]
How core training can reduce the chance of sustaining an ACL injury.
The rupture of an athlete’s Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is painful and distressing. It requires surgery to repair and then a lengthy rehabilitation process before the athlete can return to [...]
How to Prevent Your ACL From Tearing Again
An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is one of the most devastating injuries an athlete can go through. It is season-ending and often keeps the athlete out of a chunk [...]
Knee Valgus Is the Movement Deficiency That Plagues Many Young Athletes
Knee Valgus refers to a moment during a squat or jumping movement where the knees cave in toward one another.
How to Worry Less About Your Female Athletes Getting Injured
Over the years, we have known females to be at higher risk for injuries to the lower extremities. Still, now more so than ever, we really need to be concerned [...]
Solving the ACL Epidemic in Female Soccer Players
What if I told you ACL injury is more than wide hips? What if I told you it is more than weak glute muscles? What if I told you it [...]
Preventing Collegiate Arthritis In Athletes
When college-age people come to see me with severely damaged joints, it’s a challenge. High school kids with the same issues are depressing. There are solutions, but they simply are [...]
3 Reason Why Athletes Should Train Around Injuries
Injuries are an inevitable part of sports. Anyone who has been an athlete for long has suffered an injury. I have had most any injury you can think of and [...]
Top 5 Exercises to Reduce Your Risk of ACL Injury
No one wants to tear their ACL. But unfortunately, ACL injuries for amateur athletes are on the rise, and the average age of those afflicted seems to be getting younger [...]
NBA Chiropractors Reveal 5 Keys to Healthy Knees and Ankles
Three of the four most common injuries suffered by youth basketball players involve the knees and ankles, according to the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. They [...]