Aerobic System
The Aerobic-Anaerobic Connection: Building a Strong Foundation for Peak Performance
The integration and function of the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems are crucial in fitness and athletic performance. A solid aerobic base enhances endurance and elevates the threshold at which [...]
You Don’t Need A Treadmill for Aerobic Training!
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is very popular today. It promises incredible results in a short time. Yet, to truly maximize your HIIT potential, you need a solid aerobic base. Think [...]
Residual Training Effects- Understand training to focus on performance.
When you plan your workout routine for the season, it's crucial to keep in mind how long your training will affect your body before it starts to wear off. Various [...]
How Aerobic Training Enhances Anaerobic Power in Sports
Increasing the efficiency of the aerobic system boosts the anaerobic threshold and power.The anaerobic threshold represents the outer limits of your aerobic system. For instance, after sprinting, you must return [...]
Why the 2,000-Meter Row May Be the Most Killer Fitness Test Ever Created
Rowing Machine Training The rowing machine is a killer workout. Training on a rowing machine activates 85 percent of the body’s musculature and can get your heart pumping in a [...]
What is Maximal Aerobic Speed, and How Can I Increase It?
When an athlete decides they’d like to get "in shape,” they often default to long, slow steady-state cardiovascular training. They get the Rocky Balboa mentality and believe that a 10-mile [...]
Can You Really Build Endurance and Strength Simultaneously?
If there’s one thing that CrossFit has shown us, it’s that humans can demonstrate respectable levels of both strength and endurance at the same time. Athletes who compete in sports [...]
What Exactly Is Sport-Specific Training?
Sport-specific training has become one of the trendiest buzzwords in sports performance. Parents now constantly ask trainers if they offer it. In response to that demand, many trainers now frequently [...]
8-Week Obstacle Course Training Program
This 8-week training program calls for four workouts per week. Each session will challenge you in a different way to prepare you for the various sprints and obstacles you will face during the race.
Hate Jogging? Sled Walk Drills Are The Perfect Alternative
The sled has become a popular training tool in recent years. It's mostly used to improve acceleration and/or anaerobic conditioning. What many athletes and coaches don't realize is that sled [...]