Altitude Training
Denver’s Edge: How Altitude Provides Their Teams With The Greatest Home-Field Advantage in Sports
Denver. The Mile High City. Sitting exactly 5,280 feet above sea level, Denver has the highest elevation of any major U.S. city. This gives the professional sports teams who call [...]
The Truth About Altitude Training Masks
Co-written by Jeff Hill From Marshawn Lynch, to the most avid weekend warriors and the average gym goer, people have consistently done their best to...
Training with the Elevation Training Mask 2.0
High-altitude training is a proven method for increasing endurance. But let’s be honest—training at high altitudes is simply not an option for most athletes. The Elevation Training Mask 2.0 is [...]
Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Altitude Training
If you haven't heard of altitude training, where have you been? Increased endurance and extended overall time-till-fatigue are hallmarks of effective...
Improve Your Performance By Training at the Perfect Altitude
Everyone knows that living at a high altitude can increase your athletic performance, right? But what if someone asked you, “well, what’s the best altitude to live at?” You might [...]
Performance Benefits of High-Altitude Training
The desire to get a step ahead of the competition always prompts athletes to seek the latest and greatest advancements in training. One unorthodox method, known as high-altitude training, is [...]
What's the Most Motivational Scene in a Sports Film?
PushTheGround Kevin McCadam @STACKMedia Rocky training in the wilderness in Russia, Rocky IV Carlson_Nathan Nathan Carlson @STACKMedia Rocky IV. Rocky up in mountains training and at the end he screams [...]
STACKletes Speak Up: Rocky's Training Montage
The training montage, a staple of the Rocky franchise, will send any athlete with a pulse into the weight room after one viewing. So it comes as no surprise that [...]