6 Ankle Strength and Flexibility Tips for Swimmers
Building ankle strength and flexibility involves more than ankle exercises.
Top 5 Exercises to Reduce Your Risk of ACL Injury
No one wants to tear their ACL. But unfortunately, ACL injuries for amateur athletes are on the rise, and the average age of those afflicted seems to be getting younger [...]
Eliminate Ankle Sprains With This 3-Minute Daily Routine
The frustration and pain of spraining an ankle is very personal to me. I've sprained each ankle at least 20 times (I kid you not). Since becoming a Doctor of [...]
Why Weak Ankles Ruin Your Strength and Speed
If you have ever spent a winter driving in Minnesota, you can appreciate the need for traction. When you're on ice, you can have all the horsepower in...
The Single-Leg Kettlebell Swap Is the Most Important Exercise You’re Not Doing
Improving foot, ankle, and hip function is something I work quite extensively on with my athletes and clients. One exercise I use on a consistent basis...
Why Ankle Mobility Training is a Must
Of all the parts of your body to worry about, your ankles are probably low on the list. Tight hamstrings, back pain and other issues typically take precedence. Ankles aren’t [...]