Registered Dietitians Reveal Their Favorite Ways to Eat Fruit
Give some of these a try, and you’ll find yourself eating more fruit in no time—and you’ll actually enjoy it.
6 Big Reasons You Should Be Eating Blackberries
Blackberries are a flavor-packed fruit that is super versatile in the kitchen. A handful of blackberries can increase the deliciousness of almost any dish. Blackberries also confer a large number [...]
8 Awesome Benefits of Eating an Apple a Day
Apples are awesome. They're portable, delicious, and, according to research, they deliver tons of helpful nutrients that can help you regulate your appetite, steer clear of illness, and even add [...]
6 Fruits and Veggies You Aren’t Eating But Should Be
Fruits and vegetables are important parts of a well-balanced diet. But both "fruits" and "vegetables" are rather broad terms. There's a ton of produce out there, and it varies dramatically [...]
Easy Thanksgiving Leftover Meals
Your Thanksgiving meal can be the performance-fueling gift that keeps on giving, provided you know how to use your leftovers. If you didn’t douse everything with butter and gravy, you’re [...]
Add Fall Flavors to Your Workout Shakes With Pumpkin Apple Butter
Pumpkin Apple Butter If you're like me I use peanut butter, almond butter, or sunflower for my pre-workout, protein drinks, and even mid-day snacks...
6 Gluten-Free Snacks That Will Power Athletes
Need an easy-to-grab gluten free snack for work or your kiddo's summer day camp? Or, just need a healthy snack to keep at work? Look no further than...
Fruit That Cools You Down During the Summer
When your body’s built-in thermostat—in your hypothalamus—senses your core temperature is over 98.6° F, you sweat. As each drop of moisture evaporates, it cools you. Since spicy foods raise your [...]
‘Can I Still Eat That?’ How Long Your Favorite Foods Stay Edible
We’re going there—the back of the fridge—the place where you scrounge around after a hard practice, searching for something that will satisfy your hunger without a paper bag dripping [...]
‘Ultimate Oatmeal’ Recipe For Runners
Ultimate Oatmeal Recipe Breakfast is an essential meal for refueling your body after an early morning run. Oatmeal is an ideal breakfast choice for...