Ask The Experts
Ask the Experts: Can I Improve My Endurance and Burn Fat With Olympic Lifts?
Q: Can I improve my endurance and burn fat with Olympic lifts? A: Performing Olympic lifts, such as Power Cleans or Snatches, for high reps or until failure is certainly [...]
Ask the Experts: How Can I Increase My Metabolism?
Q: How can I increase my metabolism? A: It’s frustrating to see some people consistently eating massive amounts of food without gaining a pound. You know for sure that if [...]
Ask the Experts: How Can I Improve My Bulgarian Split Squat?
Q: I know the Bulgarian Split Squat is a good exercise, but I have trouble performing it. What should I do? A: At STACK, we love the Bulgarian Split Squat, commonly referred to [...]
Ask the Experts: What’s the Single Best Exercise?
Q: What’s the single best exercise I can perform? A: There are so many great exercises, this question is difficult to answer. However, if I were to choose only one [...]
Ask the Experts: How Do I Prevent Shoulder Pain During the Bench Press?
Q: My shoulder hurts when I Bench Press. What should I do? A: You might be attempting a personal record on the Bench. You load up the plates, lie on [...]
Ask the Experts: Do I Really Need to Stretch?
Q: I feel like stretching is a waste of time. Do I really need to be flexible? A: Many athletes have a skeptical attitude about flexibility. They'd rather spend 10 [...]
Ask the Experts: How Much Weight Can I Lose in One Month?
Q: How much weight can I lose in one month? A: Weight loss is a tricky subject. Because people want fast and easy ways to trim fat, fad diets are [...]
Ask the Experts: Is it OK to Have an Energy Drink Before a Workout?
Q) I need an energy boost before workouts. Should I have an energy drink? A) Let’s be honest: energy drinks are certainly tempting. Their energy-boosting claims make them seem like [...]
Ask the Experts: How Can I Do a Pull-Up?
Q) I can’t do a Pull-Up. How can I get started? A) If you can’t do a Pull-Up, attempting one can feel like you're trying to climb Mount Everest. It [...]
Why Can’t I Lift as Much as My Teammate?
Q: I do the same workouts as my teammate, yet I can’t lift as much as he can. What am I doing wrong? A: You’d think that doing the exact [...]