Back Problems
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Chronic Back Pain
Experiencing a little back pain after your last few workouts? You may have pulled a muscle or just pushed a little too hard during those last few reps,...
My Back Hurts When I Deadlift. What Am I Doing Wrong?
The Deadlift. It’s a powerhouse of an exercise that enhances almost every aspect of athletic performance. If you want to be bigger, stronger and faster, the Deadlift is an exercise [...]
How LeBron James Takes Care of His Ailing Back
Here's a sight you don't see often. LeBron James, arguably the greatest physical specimen in NBA history, lying on the ground near the baseline with towels under his head and [...]
Joel Embiid Teaches You How Not to Eat When You’re An Athlete
Once a standout at the University of Kansas, Joel Embiid has yet to play a single minute of NBA action. When the Philadelphia 76ers drafted him in 2014, they knew [...]
How NOT to Perform a Pull-Up (With Fixes)
Pull ups are one of the best upper body body weight exercises athletes can perform. They help strengthen your upper back, biceps, shoulders, and core;...
Training Your Legs: Your Body's Greatest Untapped Resource
Since they comprise roughly 40 percent of your total weight, your legs are one of your body's greatest untapped resources. The leg itself is composed of several muscle groups. Working [...]
Reduce Back Pain and Prevent Injuries With Post-Game Yoga
After a grueling session on the court, field or track, most athletes head straight for the showers. But the failure to stretch can cause muscle damage. According to a new [...]
Improving Your Throw-In Power Like Rory Delap
Nicknamed “The Human Slingshot,” Rory Delap has made a living off his long, powerful throw-ins as a playmaker for Stoke City of the English Premier League. The secret of his [...]
Building a Balanced Body for Golf
Even though golf is one-sided, you need to use a balanced, whole-body approach to training. If you don’t, you’ll have timing issues and lower back problems, and quirks will appear [...]