Should Athletes Wear Barefoot Shoes?
Barefoot shoes make about as much sense as unfrosted Pop-Tarts. Some people eat Pop-Tarts without their icing deliciousness (Brown Sugar is the best), and I don't trust those people. Barefoot [...]
Thinking About Purchasing Barefoot Shoes? Here’s What You Need to Know
There is a lot of research, marketing, and advertising that suggests barefoot shoes are the best option for your feet. However, it really depends on the individual. Like me, many [...]
5 Barefoot Exercises Every Runner Should Do
Every year, 75% of runners get injured at some point in a given year. The other 25% are lying. Now, if you run 1.75 miles each year before giving up [...]
The Importance of Foot and Ankle Workouts
Foot and ankle training could be the most neglected and underrated aspect of sports performance. But it's critical, since activation for most athletic movements starts with the feet.
Why You Should Train Barefoot
Long ago in our history as human beings, we roamed the Earth hunting and gathering, wearing nothing but our bare feet or minimalist footwear. As we evolved and started wearing [...]
Ditch Your Running Shoes to Lift Better
If you're trying to move significant weight in the weight room, you need to kick off your running shoes before a big set.
Why Athletes Must ‘Sense the Ground’
Your foot's relationship with the ground is paramount to athletic performance. Problem is, people are often visually dominant to the point of fault in their balance systems. Next time you [...]
How to Unlock the Power of Your Big Toe for Superior Athletic Performance
Who remembers the movie Stripes? If you're older like me, it is an 80’s classic. For the rest of you, it's a great download in the sea of movie mediocrity. [...]
Children Who Spend More Time Barefoot Jump Farther, Balance Better
The footwear habits of children can have a significant impact on their athleticism. Those were the findings of a recent study by Stellenbosch University in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The researchers [...]
Why Weak Feet and Ankles Can Ruin Your Strength and Speed (And How to Fix Them)
Let's face it: You never train your feet or ankles. That's not necessarily your fault, since the vast majority of training programs don’t include foot or ankle exercises—except maybe some [...]