The Importance of Training Sports-Specific Movements & Skills
The principle of specificity is the cornerstone of athletic training. It states that the body adapts to the specific demands placed on it. This means that to improve performance in [...]
How to Unlock Your Full Potential On and Off the Field
Success stories often feature a crucial mix of natural talent and relentless hard work. While talent can give you a head start, effort and dedication sustain long-term achievements.Kobe Bryant: A [...]
The Importance of a Strong Core for Basketball Players
Basketball, like many sports, is an athletic activity that is based on various aspects of athletic ability and physical well-being. From transitioning down the court to beating a man off [...]
Off-Season Basketball Planning for High School Students
The final buzzer of your basketball season has gone off. Whether your team's run fell short of playoffs, ended midway through the postseason, or ultimately resulted in the cutting down [...]
Medicine-Ball Moves to Boost Athletic Performance for Basketball
The medicine ball can be a valuable tool for basketball players. Particularly during the in-season period where reps on the court are much higher, athletes still need to find a [...]
Basketball Hydration – Pre, During, and Post-Competition
Hydration is not just about drinking water and Gatorade. Yes, those are the easiest ways to replace water and electrolyte loss in your body. But if your body is a [...]
4 Exercises (with extras) to Boost Your Basketball Vertical Jump Height
A powerful explosive vertical leap and dynamic agility are mandatory for basketball. All basketball sport-specific movements require it. For example, shooting, blocking, rebounding, etc. Unfortunately, merely practicing vertical jumping won't [...]
Why Zone Defense is Bad for Youth Basketball
Each time I walk into a club basketball tournament, I see countless teams playing some sort of zone defense, regardless of their age. Now understandably, when it comes to U16 [...]
Basketball Neural Warm-Up
Neural warm-ups are essential. They will produce higher performance and give you the edge you need on the court before the game. However, just standing in line shooting free throws, [...]
3 Quick Athleticism-Building Wins for Basketball Players
I’m not a fan of phrases like hacks or quick wins because it gives the impression that something meaningful can be achieved quickly and easily. However, I’m a big believer [...]