Battlefield 4
‘Battlefield Hardline’ Release Date Gets Pushed Back
Electronic Arts announced plans to push Battlefield Hardline back to early 2015. The game was originally slated to hit shelves this October. The move could prevent further damage to the [...]
Gaming Update: ‘Battlefield 4,’ ‘Zelda,’ DualShock 4, ‘Escape Dead Island’
Battlefield 4 DLC Dragon's Teeth Coming Electronic Arts got ahead of themselves last week and leaked the release date for Battlefield 4's "Dragon's Teeth" DLC via their Origin Twitter account. The [...]
Gaming Update: ‘CoD: Ghosts’, ‘Fallout 4’, ‘Battlefield 4’, ‘Fable Anniversary’
Last week, Call of Duty offered up a new skin for man's best sidekick, Fallout 4 rumors were somewhat confirmed, Battlefield 4 patches were released and Fable Anniversary's Xbox arrival [...]
Gaming Update: ‘GT6,’ ‘Battlefield 4,’ ‘Assassin’s Creed 4’
Last week, Sony addressed concerns about microtransactions in GT6, EA reaffirmed its resolve to fix Battlefield 4, and the release date for AC4's "Freedom Cry" DLC was announced. Sony Defends [...]
Gaming Update: Xbox One, ‘Battlefield 4,’ ‘The Last of Us,’ ‘CoD: Ghosts’
Xbox One Released; 1 Million Sold Within 24 Hours The Xbox One was released Nov. 22. Microsoft reported that within 24 hours more than 1 million consoles were sold. As [...]
‘Battlefield 4’ Gets Multiplayer Updates
Battlefield 4, EA's first-person shooter developed at Stockholm studio DICE, was released Oct. 29 for PC and current-gen consoles. Xbox One and PS4 versions will launch in November. The multiplayer [...]
Gaming Update: ‘Battlefield 4,’ ‘The Last of Us,’ ‘Black Ops 2,’ ‘NCAA Football’
Last week, game modes for Battlefield 4 were revealed, DLC for The Last of Us was announced, PS3 and PC gamers finally got their hands on a Black Ops 2 add-on, and [...]
Gaming Update: ‘Fable Anniversary,’ ‘CoD,’ ‘Battlefield 4’
Last week Fable Anniversary was pushed back, Activision linked with Eminem for a CoD pre-order bonus and the Battlefield 4 beta got a release date. Fable Anniversary Pushed Back, Not Coming [...]
Gaming Update: ‘Final Fantasy XIV,’ ‘Homeworld,’ ‘Battlefield 4’
Last week, fans who were caught up in Final Fantasy's server woes were compensated, Gearbox revealed plans to link with Blackbird Interactive for a Homeworld title and more was revealed [...]
Sony Announces PlayStation 4 Release Date and Upgrade Program
On Tuesday, Sony announced that the PlayStation 4 will be released Nov. 15 in the U.S. and Canada and on Nov. 29 in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The announcement was part [...]