Belt Squat
3 Lower-Body Exercise Alternatives for Back Squats
"Put the bar on your back!" "Lower! Butt all the way to the floor!" Those were the early days of my weight training journey. Like many skinny kids, I was [...]
The Unconventional Squat Variation That Powers Up App. State Football
Appalachian State is college football’s quiet powerhouse. Just six teams have won more games than the Mountaineers since 2016. Boone, North Carolina might not occupy the same place in football [...]
5 Ways to Continue Building Lower-Body Strength Despite Back Pain
Nothing shows a display of strength quite like an impressive Squat or Deadlift. There’s just something about throwing some chalk on, stepping up to the bar, and firing away. Obviously, [...]
Why the Belt Squat Overcoming Isometric is an Awesome Exercise for Athletes
As strength and conditioning coaches, we have two primary objectives: Promote and program for injury prevention and sport performance readiness Develop strength, power and speed qualities specific to the athletes’ [...]
Unlock Elite Athletic Performance With These 6 Hip-Strengthening Exercises
Your hips don't lie. When it comes to sports, everything originates from the hips. Whether you are running, jumping or rotating, the hips are always involved. They also play a [...]
Watch NFL Prospect Forrest Lamp Belt Squat Close to 900 Pounds
Former Western Kentucky offensive lineman Forrest Lamp not only has the best name in the 2017 NFL Draft, the dude can throw some weight around. Standing 6-foot-4 and weighing 309 [...]