Bench Press
Boost Your Bench Press with this Routine
Unlocking greater bench press strength demands more than just bench pressing. The secrets lie in training methods, techniques, and other muscles essential for the bench press. Discover the strategies inside [...]
Why You Actually Should Arch Your Back While You Bench Press
Powerlifters are some of the strongest people on the planet. They train to lift as much weight as possible in the Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift, so many of their [...]
Complete Full-Year Workout Program for High School and Collegiate Javelin Throwers
If you want to become a better javelin thrower, you need to train to be explosive. Why? Throwers must be able to exert tremendous force in as little time as [...]
7 Reasons Why Your Bench Press Is Weak
If you're going to bench, do it right. Done properly, the Bench Press will help you build rock-solid pecs, delts and triceps and gain immense upper-body strength.
How to Do Dips the Right Way
Dips are a bodyweight exercise that develops the triceps and other upper-body muscles. The exercise begins when you hold on to parallel bars with your arms straight. You then bend [...]
The Ectomorph Workout Program: Building Muscle for the ‘Skinny Guy’
Are you usually the last one picked when it's game time? Have you often been referred to as the "skinny guy?" Was high school a day-to-day heckling of...
Bench Press 315 Pounds With This Training Plan
How to Bench Press 315 Nothing looks more badass than pressing 315 off your chest. The Bench Press is the exercise that separates men from boys. Every...
An 8-Week Training Program for a Higher Vertical Jump
The vertical jump is a benchmark test to help determine athleticism and power. In addition to helping to determine athleticism and power, it is also a...
16-Week Off-Season Baseball Training Program
A solid off-season baseball training program can make or break in-season success. Once the baseball season is over, it's time to begin preparing for the...
Complete Full-Year Sprinters Workout Program
If you want to be the fastest sprinter on the track, you need to be explosive!