Blood Sugar Levels
What are Adaptogens, and How Can they Boost Your Health and Performance?
No matter your age, it is how you deal with stress that makes the difference. Stress occurs in everything we do. The problem is with how we control it. What [...]
Are White Potatoes Healthy?
otatoes themselves are healthy, but many potato-derived products are not.
8-Week Ab Program From Hugh Jackman’s ‘Wolverine’ Trainer
You work hard all year for your body. A good set of abs is the bonus you get at the end. That's the dream scenario, right? Effort begets results....
Create a Nutritious Breakfast with This Simple Formula
You would love a simple tool that helps you build a better, nutritious breakfast, right? How about a formula that optimizes nutrition, allowing you to...
Brown Rice vs. White Rice: Does It Really Matter?
The digestibility of carbohydrates and the impact it has on blood sugar has an important role for athletes. The glycemic index ranks foods on a scale of...
How the Glycemic Index Can Help Your Athletic Performance
Glycemic index is a measurement of how quickly food impacts blood sugar levels compared to pure sugar. Foods are ranked on a scale of 0 to 100, with...
5 High-Protein Breakfasts for Athletes
Whoever said slabs of meat were only meant for dinner probably never made it deep into the playoffs. Take a cue from the pros and try a meat-and-nut breakfast. Packed [...]
4 Ways to Heat Up Your Diet to Burn More Fat
Belly fat can be stubborn. Many people strive to achieve a flat stomach and end up failing to reach their goal. If you fall into this category, I recommend looking [...]
7 Fiber Supplements: More Than Just For Weight Loss
The health benefits of fiber extend beyond weight loss and constipation relief. In both isolated and whole form, fiber plays a multitude of significant roles in our diet. (See Fill Up [...]
Make Smart Decisions for Your Pre-Game Meal
What you eat plays a significant role in your ability to achieve your athletic goals. You can control what you put in your body. But many athletes are not fully [...]