Why Female Runners Tend to Have Low Bone Mineral Density
In the field of exercise science, it is well-known that weight-bearing activity builds stronger bones. Yes, milk and supplements can help, but the body responds best to weight-bearing activities such [...]
Scaphoid Fractures: How They Happen, Signs You Have One, and How To Treat It
The scaphoid bone is one of eight carpal bones in the wrist. It is situated on the thumb side of the hand and wrist connecting the two rows of carpal [...]
How to Increase Wrist Strength for Power and Peak Performance
HEADER VIDEO FOR ARTICLE: How to Increase Wrist Strength You are only as strong as your weakest link, and for many people, that...
8 Health Benefits of Strength Training for the Average Joe
I had a friend ask me this past Sunday "So Ben, what is it, man? Is it 70/30 for diet/exercise? Is it just strength training? Is it all nutrition? What...