Broad Jump
3 Proven Plyometrics to Take Your Performance to the Next Level
At this stage of the training game, it's no secret that a sound plyometric training routine is essential to performing at your best. Your program should be very systematic, progressive, [...]
Boost Your Sprint with these Jump Exercises
One of the most critical aspects of sprinting is accelerating quickly from a stationary position. Acceleration is the horizontal force that propels you into top-end speed, and it is a [...]
Teach Before You Test
Sports scientists are taught to test subjects before designing an exercise program. This is done so that they can then design a specific program to suit the needs of the [...]
6 Exercises That Will Help You Become an Explosive Baseball Player
Here are a few key exercises to incorporate to get baseball players throwing faster, hitting harder and becoming more explosive in the field and on the base paths.
How to Build a Plyo Workout for Beginners
Plyometrics are a way for athletes to express true power and speed, as well as prepare the body for the unknown on the field and court.
How Contrast Training Can Create More Explosive Soccer Players
Speed training for soccer players is more than flying through sprint drills. It is more than strapping on parachutes. It is more than ladder drills. It is more than plyometric [...]
Add Inches to Your Broad Jump With Three At-Home Exercises
You don’t need a gym full of equipment to add inches your Vertical and your Broad Jump. Check out these three plyometric exercises, designed by Captain Brandon Godsey of the [...]
Why Learning How to Stick Your Jumps is a Critical Part of Jump Training
This article is part 2 of a four-part series on programming and progressing jump training for field sport athletes. Part one is here. You want to become an explosive athlete [...]
Are Bad Landing Mechanics Slowly Breaking Down Your Body?
In the world of sports performance, we're obsessed with force production. How much force can our muscles produce, and how fast can they do it? Jumping is one of the [...]
Contrast Training 101: Every Athlete Should Know This Technique
What if I told you that you could become stronger, more explosive and leaner, all while spending less time at the gym than you currently do? Would you be interested? [...]