What Wrong With the Burpee?
The 'burpee' is perhaps one of the most popular exercises used in training programs and group fitness settings alike. If you are unfamiliar with this movement, however, it is typically [...]
Try This Stadium Stairs Workout to Get in Shape
You know those bleachers at your local high school that's right down the road from you? We don't have to wait for Football season to be here in order...
Change How You Work Out at Home to Impact Your Training Intensity
It seems home workouts have been going on since the beginning of time. Before there were elliptical machines, kettlebells and other "tools of fitness," there were old-school bodyweight exercises. Once [...]
14 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do With a Basketball
Basketball is a game of finesse, and technical skills such as dribbling, shooting and hand-eye coordination are essential to playing the sport. But basketball also requires a great deal of [...]
Are Burpees Really the World’s Worst Exercise?
I’m a big believer in context. I think it's important to really look into something before writing it off. This extends to movement: I believe we should never judge a [...]
4 Total-Body Lifts That Will Help You on the Field
Athletes that paricipate in sports like football or basketball are different than athletes who enter bodybuilding contests. Bodybuilders need to isolate...
Try This 4-Round Squat, Burpee and Jump Rope Workout for Improved Conditioning
IMG_0100.PNG We're back with test your strength and conditioning #2! This series is all about giving you, the viewer, workouts you can do in a short...
Test Your Conditioning With This 2-Exercise Circuit
It is summer time everyone! And if you're like me, you like testing your conditioning. But, with summer comes adventure, vacation and a lot of family...
Can You Handle This 10-Minute Barbell AMRAP Circuit?
Long gone are the days when you can use the excuse of "I don't have time to workout." With this 10-minute amrap circuit I've taken away that excuse. I...