How To Perform The Eccentric Calf Raise
The Eccentric Calf Raise, an exercise that increases explosive calf strength. Muscular Benefits Increases explosive calf strength Improves deceleration Eccentric Calf Raise Sports Performance Benefits The calves are not [...]
This Simple Exercise is the Key to Increasing Your Vertical Jump
Triple Extension: How to Jump and Clean Without Back Pain When it comes to prepping athletes for the rigours of lower body plyometric training, the...
6 Basic Exercise Science Principles Your Bro’s Don’t Understand
By now we've all heard of the words "gnar" and "gains" and we incorporate the word "swole" into everything from "Swoldier Nation" and "Swolemate" to...
Why Calf Raises Are a Waste of Time
Working your calf muscles is typically considered part of a complete lower-body workout. You need to work your calves, because you can't ignore such a large and important muscle group. [...]
Calf Exercises That Work
Building strong calves are essential to performing in virtually all athletic endeavors. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, many gym-goers tend to...
What is Plantar Fasciitis and How to Fix It
Plantar fasciitis is a common injury experienced by runners that results in heel pain, which can range from mild to debilitating depending on the severity of the injury. The plantar [...]
How to Stretch Your Calves Before a Workout
Calf stretches are one of the most important stretches you can perform before walking, running or sprinting. Your foot is the first body part to apply force and touch the [...]
How to Train Your Calf Muscles
In order to build any muscle in the body, for example the calf muscle, a few things must be accounted for. You need to understand the anatomy of the body [...]
Protect Your Legs From High Heel Damage
Women have long sacrificed comfort for style by wearing high heels. Although you're probably willing to tolerate some pain or discomfort for the sake of fashion, you may be surprised [...]
Soft Tissue Care for Athletes, Part 1: Get More Out of Your Feet
"Soft tissue" is a general term for the muscle, fascia, tendons and ligaments responsible for every movement you make. Without soft tissue, you wouldn't be walking, let alone dominating your [...]