Resume Tips for Student-Athletes
Companies want to hire student-athletes. The skills that make you a great athlete also make you a great employee. But how do you incorporate all you’ve learned from sports into [...]
What College Recruiters Actually Look For
Do you have what it takes to play a sport in college? Have you put in the time to develop your skills and keep your grades up so that college [...]
5 Ways to Avoid Blowing Your Scholarship and Ruining Your Life on Social Media
Here are two facts you need to remember at all times: First, tweets live forever and can be seen by everyone in the world. The same is true for all [...]
Separate Yourself From Other College Recruits
The competition in Admissions and the high price tag at some of the nation’s premier academic institutions is fierce. In certain cases, prospects can leverage their athletic ability significantly in [...]
Football Recruiting 101 (And More)
Football recruiting is a big business in the US. Almost every high school football player dreams of getting recruited to a big-time college program. Here are some basic football recruiting [...]
Athletes Manage Your Name Online With Google Alerts
As an athlete, why do you need to manage your name online? Managing your name online can bring great benefits—such as a college scholarship. Let’s say a local, regional or [...]
College Early Decision: No-Brainer or Big Mistake
Keep reading if you want to learn some ins and outs on if it's right for you or a big mistake.
3 Most Common College Recruiting Mistakes High School Student-Athletes Make
The Recruiting Process: The 3 Most Common Mistakes Student-Athletes Make College recruiting for high school student-athletes is a very complex and...
How To Increase Your Value as a College Recruit
Take control of the recruiting process by using leverage. If you’ve received scholarship offers from multiple schools or have other financial assistance on the table, make it known to the [...]
Impressive Questions to Ask on a College Visit
Visiting colleges—officially or unofficially—can be a nerve-wracking experience for athletes and their families. Inevitably, during your campus tour, a college coach will ask, "Do you have any questions for me?" [...]