Best Foods for Athletic & Training Recovery
Athletic performance and training require more than hard work and dedication; recovery is a crucial part of the process. Proper nutrition helps athletes and fitness enthusiasts replenish energy, repair muscle [...]
The One Nutrition Mistake Every Youth Athlete Makes
A youth athlete's schedule doesn’t exactly lend itself to ideal nutrition. Case in point? The long stretch between lunch and dinner. Due to class schedules and after-school athletic commitments, it [...]
Carb Loading: Is It Worth It?
What is Carb-Loading? Carb-loading is a nutritional strategy that's been around for a while, especially in endurance sports. Carb-loading occurs when you eat a high-carbohydrate-based meal like a big plate [...]
The Benefits of Carbohydrates for Athletes – Part 4
In this final installment of why any and every athlete should be eating and enjoying carbohydrates, we will look at how carbohydrates impact sleep, hunger, and appetite, as well as [...]
The Benefits of Carbohydrates for Athletes – Part 3
In today's article, which is a continuation of parts #1 and #2 on how athletes benefit from carbohydrates, we will briefly discuss two areas that are vastly misunderstood and impacted [...]
The Benefits of Carbohydrates for Athletes – Part 2
In part 1 of this 4-part series, you witnessed a couple of the proposed benefits that carbohydrates had for you or your athletes. Now we will look at some more [...]
The Benefits of Carbohydrates for Athletes – Part 1
Today as part 1 of this 4-part series, we are going to briefly discuss a topic that has been plaguing athletes, coaches, trainers, and parents all over the world for [...]
Counting Calories vs. Macros: Which is Better?
There is a lot of money in sports. In recent years, the collegiate, high school, and even youth levels have financially exploded, not just at the professional ranks. And with [...]
Klay Thompson Uses Rehab to Change His Nutrition
Reducing and cutting out refined sugar and processed foods will dramatically enhance your health and boost your performance. Reducing foods that create inflammation is key. Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, and [...]
Are White Potatoes Healthy?
otatoes themselves are healthy, but many potato-derived products are not.