You Don’t Need A Treadmill for Aerobic Training!
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is very popular today. It promises incredible results in a short time. Yet, to truly maximize your HIIT potential, you need a solid aerobic base. Think [...]
Should You Do Strength Training and Cardio on the Same Day?
Developing your fitness and health requires a combination of strength training and cardio. However, many wonder if they can do both on the same day. The answer is yes, but [...]
Smart Substitutions in Training
For some of us, there’s nothing like starting a new training plan. New workouts, new formats, maybe some variations in reps or sets that we haven’t seen recently (or at [...]
12 Answers to Common Fitness Questions
Over the years of training people, I always engage in conversations discussing questions that repeat themselves in one form or another. How can I lose weight the fastest? Does lifting [...]
Get Ripped With This Unconventional Barbell Workout
Tired of hopping on a treadmill or elliptical every time you feel the need to burn some additional calories? Aren't we all? Most people find traditional cardio boring, yet that [...]
A Peloton Bike Probably Won’t Get You Your Dream Body. Here’s Why.
Peloton is taking over the world and has been for a while. The exercise equipment and media company that was founded in 2012 is now valued at over $8 billion. [...]
3 Simple Tips to Gain Muscle Mass
So what does it really take to put on muscle mass? Here are three quick tips.
Working Out on the Road Is Possible With These Tips
If you're on the road and can't get to a gym, keep these tips in mind so you can be prepared to train at your convenience.
11 Strategies for Getting More Done During Your Workouts
When you work out, you need to get as much done as possible in the limited amount of time you have to train. Below are 11 tips and strategies that [...]
Running Tips for True Beginners
Want to go from the couch to running a 5K? Stop looking online and follow the tips below. They can help you run a perfect first race. Use at least [...]