3 Power-Packed Milkshakes to Boost Recovery
Photo: Foodista As an athlete you not only train hard, but you eat exceptionally healthy. Although, sometimes even athletes need to indulge every now...
6 Delicious and Healthy Overnight Oatmeal Recipes
Oatmeal is the cornerstone of many athletes’ breakfasts, and for good reason. It's fairly quick, easy to make and supplies a steady stream of carb energy. But if you’re really [...]
5-Second Rule Really Works, Says Science
"Five second rule," you might think to yourself as you scoop that cheese puff off the floor. Don’t be ashamed—turns out there may be some truth behind the imaginary time limit [...]
4 Healthy Foods for Tailgate Parties
Favorite Tailgating Food It's the one day of the week where you hop out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off. It's that day when it takes you longer to...
The Garland Owls’ Pre-Game Meal Disaster
Halfway through their 2012 season, the Garland (Texas) Owls football team shook up its pre-game meal routine. Before facing its crosstown rival, the team feasted on a buffet of pizza, [...]
Gain or Lose Weight With Oatmeal Pancakes
Wrestlers aren't the only athletes who need to gain or lose weight. Football players fluctuate between weight classes as well. In the off-season, some need to put on mass to [...]
Fuel Up With a Breakfast From Roy Hibbert
Fuel up for your next early-morning game or practice with one of All-Star center Roy Hibbert's favorite pre-activity meals. The Indiana Pacers frontman regularly chows down on a pre-made breakfast of [...]
Kait's Meal of the Month: Overnight Oats
Editor's Note: Tired of reading why it's important to eat healthy and what your diet should consist of? If you're a STACK reader, you know by now that certain foods [...]
Snack Strong With Three Great Granola Bars
Snacking is crucial for athletes focused on performance. Eating smaller meals regularly throughout the day provides the body with a steady supply of nutrients, which helps maintain metabolism and ensures [...]
Eat Well to Sleep Well
What you choose to eat today will actually have a big influence on your sleep tonight. Focus on foods that have cinnamon and tryptophan, an essential amino acid (meaning you [...]