Circuit Training
Take Your Ab Training to the Next Level with this Core Circuit
There is absolutely no shortage of core exercise circuits available on the training market today. As such, you will find loads of training variation and highly effective options to help [...]
Choosing the Right Exercises for Your Circuit Training
There is more to circuit training than just getting tired. Each type of circuit should have a purpose: to improve your endurance, muscular endurance, strength, or power. Errors are made [...]
How to Crush Your Entire Body in 10 Minutes Using One Weight Plate
Workouts have a tendency to taper off toward the end. You crush your exercises at the beginning, then everything gets progressively less intense. That is simply unacceptable! When you play [...]
2 Full-Body Circuit Workouts for Time-Crunched Training
For many athletes, planning quality workouts amidst academic and sports commitments is challenging. Thus, circuit training is an ideal option for scheduling condensed yet intense sessions. Below are two brutally [...]
Scorch Fat With a Single Dumbbell
So you are in need of a sweaty, intense and effective workout but all you have to work with is just 1 dumbbell that has been collecting dust for years...
The 4-Circuit Full-Body Workout That Builds Muscle and Burns Fat
End the confusion of what to do when you get to the gym with this full body workout. I love this workout because every exercise requires you to use...
You vs. The Clock: How Timed Sets Challenge Your Strength and Endurance
How long have your workouts followed the exact same format? You do an exercise for a predetermined number of sets and reps, and then move onto the next move. Maybe [...]
Get in Game Shape With 4 Conditioning Combos
4 Killer Conditioning Workouts. Ask 10 different people what makes up a good conditioning "exercises", and you're liable to get 10 different answers....
MMA Training For Non-Fighters
A.J. Hawk Training Like an MMA Fighter Mixed martial arts is a brutal sport. Look at a fighter after a match, and you will see what I'm talking [...]
2 Killer Kettlebell Circuits
We live in an age of upgrades: version 2.0, 4G wireless networks, seemingly endless updates to iTunes. So it should be no surprise that the exercise community has a new [...]