What Should I Eat After A Competition
Our bodies are primed immediately after workouts and games to accept nutrients that will start the recovery process, stimulate muscle repair and growth, and restore energy levels. The sooner you [...]
Four Simple Things You Can Do To Help Peak for a Competition
Coaches love talking about periodization and planning for competitions. Unfortunately, this leaves many athletes bamboozled and they fail to make the most of what they can do when they compete. [...]
Do Posture and Balance Bracelets Work?
Since the beginning of competition, athletes have always looked for ways to find a competitive edge. Even in ancient times, competitors have trained and even cheated to win. The desire [...]
Are Youth Sports Too Competitive?
I believe the culture surrounding today’s youth sports is too competitive. Don’t get me wrong. As a coach and former college athlete, I am competitive, but when parents and coaches [...]