Cool Down
Hot Outside? Warm Up By Cooling Down
I played college baseball in a small town near where I grew up in Kentucky. If you know anything about the weather in that part of the world, you know [...]
How to Build the Perfect Swim Workout
So you're looking to get a little more serious about training in the pool, or you are looking for some more structure for your time in the water. Here...
Loosen Up Your Hips With This Simple Stretch
Today's Edge: We sit more than ever and our hips suck because of it. It's important to expose your hips to different and full ranges of motion to keep...
Solidify Strength Gains With This 3-Minute Cooldown Routine
Gains are not made in the gym. Gains are made hours after the gym, when your body is in recovery mode, refueled, and rested for optimal adaptation. So...
This 15-Minute Recovery Workout Will Help Your Body Heal Faster
Recovery is increasingly becoming a hot topic in the fitness community. For decades, lifters have been going to the gym straight from work or school,...
Why You Should Finish a Workout With This 3-Exercise Routine
The cooldown is probably the most underrated part of a workout. You crush your tough session with full intensity and effort, then do a five-minute slow bike or a few [...]
Why a Workout Cooldown Is as Important as Warming Up
Nowadays people have a much better understanding that warming up is important before training so they can prevent injury, improve focus, and physically...
Why You Can’t Afford to Miss a Cooldown
Maybe you’re tight on time or you have plans with friends. So you look at your workout for ways to save time. Sure enough, the cooldown is the first thing [...]
How Important is Cooling Down After a Workout?
Let’s start with who should always perform a cooldown after a workout. If you have any type of cardiovascular health issue, that means you. People With Cardiovascular Problems For individuals [...]
Ask the Experts: Do I Really Need to Cool Down After a Workout?
Q: Do I really need to do a cool-down after a workout? A: Yes! The cool-down is one of the most important parts of your workout. It’s what helps your [...]