How Taurine Can Help Improve Athletic Performance and Recovery
Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid. It has gained attention in the athletic and fitness world for its potential to boost performance and accelerate recovery. While often overshadowed by [...]
Obstacle Course Training for Ages 14-18
So, your burgeoning Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) warrior and competitor has developed as much as possible under the novice training for 13-year-olds and under, and now has entered into an [...]
30 Tips For Dominating the Last 60 Days of Your Marathon Training
You’re so close, yet so far. You’ve worked hard to get here, but the toughest road lies ahead. The last few weeks of a marathon training plan are in many [...]
The 4 Most Important Sports Nutrition Rules for Athletes
3 Big Rocks of Sports Nutrition A lesson in elementary school that really resonated with me was when we were given a large jar and 10 or so objects of...
Stay Off the Ground If You Want to Run Faster
Every country, race, and culture participate in sports. Some are more popular than others. In the United States, football is highly celebrated, yet the sport is near non-existent in the [...]
The Biggest thing an Athlete can do is Take Care of their Feet
If you are like me, your feet have taken a beating. After nearly 15 years of soccer, my feet have been through a war. Soccer cleats, as well as many [...]
Never Lift Weights to Failure, Unless You Want to Build Muscle
Bodybuilders are insane, in a good way. Some consider bodybuilding a sport, and others view it as an art. Regardless of the meaningless classification, it's the hardest one there is, [...]
How to Run Faster and Longer
For improved top speed and longer time on the field, make sure your workouts include all six training methods.
2 Challenging Volleyball Conditioning Drills
When working with volleyball players, I come across many great athletes. However, their conditioning is somewhat neglected. This allows me to challenge them with volleyball conditioning drills that develop anaerobic [...]
Off-Season Strength and Conditioning Soccer Workout Plan
The game of soccer is incredibly demanding.