The Absolute Most Simple Way to Get Faster
Forget the Exercise Science DegreeWe are living in a remarkable time in sports. Athletes are bigger, stronger, faster than ever. And this is on a global scale. We see it [...]
Does Balance Training Improve Speed?
In the world of sports, speed is king. Athletes, parents, coaches, and trainers always ask me if different forms of balance training create noticeable improvements in running speed. And rightfully [...]
8 Football Drills For Building NFL-Style Speed and Explosiveness
Speed kills. Perhaps this fact is no more apparent than in football. A football field is only 100 yards long and 53.33 yards wide. The faster a player can navigate [...]
Run and Sprint Faster When Your Hips are in this Position
It is not your fault. No one ever showed you the correct hip position. You just run, sprint, and move from your basic instincts. However, let's get you on track [...]
Simplify Your Workout Routine with This All-Purpose Template
The template below is the same workout template iv'e used for some of my top high school, college and professional athletes. Although I am constantly...
Make the Fast Break Second Nature
Pushing the ball up the court is second nature for me. It was drilled into my head as a high school and college player, and I did my best to [...]
3 Effective Base Stealing Drills
f you watch some of baseball's best base stealers, like Rickey Henderson, you'll quickly appreciate the three keys to stealing a base—reaction time, a quick jump and top end speed [...]
How To Perform The Eccentric Calf Raise
The Eccentric Calf Raise, an exercise that increases explosive calf strength. Muscular Benefits Increases explosive calf strength Improves deceleration Eccentric Calf Raise Sports Performance Benefits The calves are not [...]
How to Run Faster and Longer
For improved top speed and longer time on the field, make sure your workouts include all six training methods.
How to Throw a Fastball
When you're learning how to throw a fastball, you must master a few techniques involving grip, hand placement and pitching mechanics. Let's go over some of the basics.