Could This Non-Prescription Sleep Aid Be Your Key To Improved Focus And Performance?
Not getting enough sleep can have disastrous consequences. The scary part is that most Americans are feeling those consequences at this very moment. According to renowned sleep expert Dr. James [...]
The Strange Recovery Tool Athletes Are Using to Improve Their Performance and Prevent Injuries
Ice, heat, ultrasound and electric stimulation are well-known recovery and rehab tools. However, did you know that light can also be included in this toolbox? Yes, you read that right. [...]
How Supersets Might Be Sabotaging Your Max Strength and Power
Supersets, tri-sets and giant sets have become staples in many strength and conditioning programs, and for good reasons. First, pairing exercises...
Get Stronger in Less Than 20 Minutes With EMOM Workouts
EMOM means "Every Minute On the Minute", the workout is literally in the name. You pick an exercise(or exercises), preform a set amount of reps at the...
Your Complete HIIT Training Guide
What is HIIT Training? HIIT is an acronym for "high-intensity interval training," which refers to a workout technique that mixes bouts of hard or all-out effort with short periods of [...]
You’re Probably Screwing Up The Basic Athletic Stance. Learn How to Fix It
Sometimes, even advanced athletes screw up the most basic skills. Every athlete is taught the athletic position at some point. It might’ve been when they first started playing sports or [...]
How to Prepare Your Body for Hot Weather Training
The school year is rapidly approaching, and so too is the start of football. Before you put the shoulder pads on, it's time to put down the electronics,...
How to Warm Up for Contact Sports
A proper warm up is often neglected in sports. No matter the level of sport, whether it be high school football or NHL hockey, preparing for the demands...
How Endurance Athletes Can Reap the Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet
Ketosis is a metabolic process where our bodies utilize our internal fat stores for energy instead of glucose. Traditionally, nutritionists have always...
3 Ways Caffeine Improves Your Sports Performance
If you drink coffee, you are very familiar with how caffeine can improve your energy and mental focus. Put simply, caffeine works fantastically—which is why Americans drink an average of [...]