Fitness Tracker
Whoop: Wearable Sports Technology Review
The wearable technology market share has grown tremendously over the last five years. The sports market projects growth to $200 billion by 2029, up from roughly 79.74 billion in 2021. [...]
How To Personalize Technology For Your Training
As more innovation and technology enters our daily lives, they bring better ways to improve our performance training. The days of using a spiral notebook in gyms and weight rooms [...]
Study Finds That Your Fitness Trackers Are Terrible at Counting Calories
Fitness trackers are incredible devices. Simply strap a watch-like device on your wrist and you have access to a wealth of data on your activity, workouts, heart rate and even [...]
Do Step Counters Really Work?
It seems like a new type of fitness tracker or step counter hits the market every day. With all the major tech companies jumping into the fray, we have more [...]
Optimize Your Conditioning Workouts With the Humon Hex Oxygen Sensor
[vimeo video="192819242" h="281" w="500"] Most workout technology has been geared to endurance and conditioning training. First came the humble stopwatch. Then heart rate monitors. And more recently, GPS-powered products that [...]
3 Strength Coaches Predict the Biggest Training Trends
Fitness trends come and go in the blink of an eye. Everyone heaps praise on a new exercise or style of training one year, then it suddenly disappears like Mark [...]
The Polar M600 Puts Great Sports Performance and Fun Entertainment at Your Fingertips
Go anywhere, do anything, get in-depth data on all of your activity, and have all of your favorite tunes at the ready. Those are just four of the reasons why [...]
4 Tips for Training With Your Smartphone
If you exercise regularly, chances are that you have probably strapped your smartphone to listen to music at some point. You may have even texted your...
Is Your Fitness Tracker Doing More Harm Than Good? New Study Says Yes
Fitness trackers have taken over. The innocuous bracelets and watches that track everything from steps taken to calories burned were all but invisible a decade ago. Now, analysts predict the [...]
The High-Tech Mirror and Scale That Change How We Look at Our Bodies
[youtube video="xJMMdcLEgbs" /] Your bathroom scale is dumb. Yes, it measures how much you weigh, but it has no way of revealing what is actually going on in your body—which [...]