Foam Rolling
Recovery Workouts Will Take Your Training Results to the Next Level
What do you do when you have been training hard and wake up one morning feeling like you just got hit by a truck? Well, the last thing you probably [...]
Recover From Your Workday With These 3 Foam Roller Tricks
No matter how much you exercise, office jobs are hard on the body. Tied to a desk, most of us will slump, hold our heads in uncomfortable positions and grow [...]
2 Easy Tactics for Quicker Workout Recovery
Stress levels for athletes are almost always high. Stress coming from coaches, school, and personal life creates a huge need for recovery. Unfortunately, many athletes don't realize the massive impact [...]
4 Benefits of a Sports Massage for Athletes
Massages aren’t exclusively for relaxing spa days. According to Dr. Matt Stevens, owner of Pure Physio (Strongsville, Ohio), a regular sports massage can help athletes maintain their bodies when training [...]
3 Foam Rolling Techniques You’re Missing In Your Recovery
One of the most popular ways to relieve muscle pain and soreness is foam rolling. Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release, a self-massage...
Help Your Body Recover With This Weekly Plan
Are you ready for a bombshell? Lifting weights does not make you stronger. Recovering from training makes you stronger. Ok you need to train right but...
Don’t Foam Roll Your IT Band. Do This Instead.
Have you ever foam rolled your IT band to relieve knee pain, hip pain or general discomfort in your upper leg? If so, you’re not alone. Foam rolling the IT [...]
Foam Rolling Techniques to Fix Every Trouble Spot on Your Body
Foam rolling has made it mainstream. There is no question that the benefits of the technique have resonated with athletes of all ages and skill levels....
How to Foam Roll Your Shoulders to Relieve Pain and Improve Range of Motion
Many athletes foam roll their lower bodies, but neglect the upper half. (Learn how to foam roll your upper back.) That's a missed opportunity because it's especially important to foam [...]
Use This Upper-Body Warm-Up Before Heavy Lifts
Do you need a new upper body warm up? Are you feeling stale going into your press day? Have you been having some aches and pains? Or are you simply not...