Best Foods for Athletic & Training Recovery
Athletic performance and training require more than hard work and dedication; recovery is a crucial part of the process. Proper nutrition helps athletes and fitness enthusiasts replenish energy, repair muscle [...]
Whole Foods vs. Processed – What’s the Difference and Why? Be A Champion or Subpar.
The choices we make about what we eat play a pivotal role in the pursuit of optimal health. While the modern world offers a plethora of convenient processed foods, the [...]
The One Nutrition Mistake Every Youth Athlete Makes
A youth athlete's schedule doesn’t exactly lend itself to ideal nutrition. Case in point? The long stretch between lunch and dinner. Due to class schedules and after-school athletic commitments, it [...]
White Rice vs. Brown Rice?
Rice is an excellent choice to eat as a carbohydrate. However, many think white rice is bleached and unhealthy because it is refined. But it is not true. All rice [...]
5 Healthy Foods That Got a Bad Rap
People used to think that the world was flat, the sun orbited around the Earth and Pluto was a planet. Now we know better. Nutrition is no different. As research [...]
5 Unhealthy Soups You Should Skip
Temperatures are dropping and that can only mean one thing—it’s soup season. When the calendar flips to the colder months, soup becomes a go-to meal for many people. It’s warm, [...]
5 Unusual Foods That Build Muscle
Most of us already know the main foods that promote muscle growth, such as chicken, eggs, and peanut butter. We don't need to be told about them for the umpteenth [...]
Registered Dietitians Reveal Their Favorite Ways to Eat Fruit
Give some of these a try, and you’ll find yourself eating more fruit in no time—and you’ll actually enjoy it.
A Matter of Taste: Why We Now Love Foods We Used to Hate
Here's how we come to love the foods we used to loathe.
Turmeric: Is This ‘Miracle Food’ the Real Deal? Here’s What the Research Says
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past three months, you’ve probably heard about turmeric. If not, here’s a quick rundown: Turmeric is a plant in the ginger [...]