Get In Shape
4 Simple Tips to Crush Your New Year’s Resolutions
The New Year is fast approaching and already there is talk from people who are making weight loss and fitness new years resolutions. Unfortunately many...
Coaches: Basic Football Skills for Young Players
Being around football for as long as I can remember, I have been able to see the growth of the sport. From...
The Ultimate Football Sled Conditioning Workout
With summer in full swing, football players across the nation are engaging in two a day practices to get in shape for the season. One of the oldest...
Get in Shape Fast With This 3-Week Conditioning Program
Here's a full body spring workout that's great for individuals looking to increase their fitness base. It's a four day split which last three weeks and...
10 Ways to Improve Your Basketball Tryout Chances
Basketball tryouts can be a stressful time. You want to play your best and prove that you deserve a spot on the team but there is only a short period of...
I Tried LeBron’s Favorite Workout Tool, and it Totally Kicked My Butt
It’s only been 10 minutes, but there’s already a pitcher’s worth of sweat on the floor beneath me. My legs are on fire. My heart is racing faster than the [...]
12 CrossFit Myths Busted
CrossFit: love it or hate it, there's no denying that when someone voices their opinion of it, that opinion is usually strong. I can't tell you how many...
This Method of Exercise Helps People Work Out More Often, Have More Fun
It happens every year. In early January, gyms are flooded with couch potatoes who've vowed to finally get in shape. They exercise religiously for the first few weeks, but by [...]
20 Strength Coaches You Need to Follow on Instagram
Instagram is a blessing and a curse when it comes to fitness. Some amazing strength coaches regularly post workout tips, cutting-edge exercises and other educational content that athletes and other [...]
Is Your Fitness Tracker Doing More Harm Than Good? New Study Says Yes
Fitness trackers have taken over. The innocuous bracelets and watches that track everything from steps taken to calories burned were all but invisible a decade ago. Now, analysts predict the [...]