Dietary Displacement: The Real Reason Trendy Diets Can Produce Great Results
Keto. Gluten-free. Raw vegan. Many of today’s trendiest diets are quite restrictive. And when you think about it, some are in direct conflict with one another—raw vegan diets forbid all [...]
6 Gluten-Free Snacks That Will Power Athletes
Need an easy-to-grab gluten free snack for work or your kiddo's summer day camp? Or, just need a healthy snack to keep at work? Look no further than...
The Nutrition Bar That’s Powering Elite Tennis Players
Tennis is a physically grueling sport. Each point has several explosive swings and sprints with only brief periods of recovery. And for a pro tennis player, this could go on [...]
Bleeding For An Edge: Why a Growing Number of Pro Athletes Are Using Blood Analysis To Maximize Their Performance
Nutrition is not a one-size-fits-all discipline. Yes, a well-balanced diet will always beat surviving on fast food. But the reality is two athletes can eat similar diets, yet feel and [...]
Try Banza for a High-Protein Pasta Alternative
Try Banza™for a High-Protein Pasta Alternative Chickpeas are most frequently recognized as the main ingredient in hummus, but did you know they can b
How NY Giants Justin Pugh Went Gluten-Free—And Got Stronger Because of It
Justin Pugh is a 6-foot-4, 305-pound monster. The third-year NFL lineman has been a crucial part of the Giants' potent offense. His unique blend of speed and strength have helped [...]
What is Gluten and Why Would Anyone Stop Eating It?
Gluten. That word is flying around in conversation much more than it was a decade ago. You’ve probably heard about certain people trying to cut gluten out of their diet. [...]
Workout Program Design for Beginners
Workout Program Design for Beginners Donald Trump jokes notwithstanding, the internet likes to argue. Especially when the topic revolves around fitness...
Mark Teixeira Goes Gluten Free. Will It Improve His On-Field Performance?
The mark of a great player is a willingness to adjust his regimen for the sake of improving his performance. New York Yankees 1B Mark Teixeira has always stayed ahead [...]
3 Holiday Recipes that Won’t Ruin Healthy Habits
Eat well, celebrate with friends and feel good. Read on for my top tips for how to avoid post fe(a)stivity guilt as well as a few holiday recipes that...