Goal Setting
Resistance Training: 5 Areas That Will Change Your Life
Resistance training has taught me a lot about life. There isn't a single endeavor that has evoked a more positive impact. Sure, it has enhanced my physique and bolstered my [...]
3 Keys to Success Youth Athletes Often Overlook
Youth athletes are busy. Between the commitments that come with school, sports, family and friends, the days can fly by in a blur. These hectic schedules often leave young athletes [...]
3 Steps to Help You Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions
This is the time of year when everyone is thinking about their new years resoluion and how they are going to follow through on the commitment they most...
How To Teach Youth Athletes To Set Goals
One of the most commonly overlooked skills in youth sports is goal setting. Many youth coaches stress fundamentals, teamwork and sportsmanship, but leave themselves little time to teach young athletes [...]
Change Your Life Today With Success Loops
Ever succumb to the same challenge over and over again and wonder why? It is probably because you followed the same mental patterns when dealing with the failure. If this [...]
Make your SMART Goals a Little More DUM
Don’t worry, you don’t have to throw out all of your goal-setting resources just yet. Teaching about the importance of setting a Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Oriented goal is still [...]
Don’t Specialize in a Sport, Specialize in Life
I get it, you want your kid to get a full scholarship to a D1 school and then get drafted by the pros. Scarcity kicks in and you realize that [...]
Turn High Expectations Into Tangible Goals You Can Smash
Do you ever feel like you carry a weight of expectation on your shoulders, but you're not sure where it came from? As if you're supposed to achieve something, but [...]
How to Build Better Mental Toughness in Just 5 Minutes a Day
We know the mental game is important, but as with anything, do we know how to actually train it? Mental toughness is too often confused with physical exertion (e.g., flipping [...]
9 Ways to Make Time for Exercise
What is the No. 1 excuse for not exercising? Survey says: "Lack of time." But is it truly that we're too busy, or is it something deeper? Each day, life [...]