Comfortably Uncomfortable – The Enemy of Progress
When people are working without the guidance of a coach or the structure of some objective markers, there is a tendency to fall into a very specific intensity of training: [...]
4 Simple Tips to Crush Your New Year’s Resolutions
The New Year is fast approaching and already there is talk from people who are making weight loss and fitness new years resolutions. Unfortunately many...
Get Better Training Results With These 3 Tips
Exercise. It doesn’t have to be a dirty word. We live in a quick-fix society that has us obsessed with results rather than the process of achieving our goals. There [...]
Carsen Edwards’ Mirror Was Once So Covered With Goals He Could Barely See Himself
Carsen Edwards was 11 or 12 years old when his dad asked him a question that left him stumped. “What are your goals?” Like most kids that age, Edwards hadn’t [...]
Why Getting 1% Better Each Day Is the True Mark of Toughness
My senior year of high school began in 1995. I played Pearl Jam over and over on my Walkman and Seinfeld was appointment viewing. But while bands and shows come [...]
How Long Should You Stick With One Workout Plan?
Program hopping is an epidemic. The temptation to try new things every time you step foot in the gym is at an all-time high. With elite coaches and athletes putting [...]
15 Tips to Smash Your Fitness Goals
We have all been there, when you catch a glimpse of an unappealing self in the mirror, when you see social media friends making great progress and...
Creating and Crushing Smart Fitness Goals
To me, being a Strength Coach and working in the fitness industry is a very gratifying career. We are (hopefully) the best part of our clients days....
5 Reasons Your Training Program is Failing (And How to Fix It)
Everyone has their ups and downs in the weight room, on the field, on the court, etc. Sometimes those downs last longer than you'd like and you can't...
3 Unconventional Training Goals You Should Set This Year
3 Training Goals YOU should Make in 2016 Lee Boyce I don't like New Year's Resolutions. The turn of the year usually results in some of the most drastic...