Grip Strength
Why You Should Ditch Your Alternate Grip Deadlift
The Deadlift is one of the greatest expressions of strength a human being can display. The Deadlift is an exercise that can help all other exercises. No matter what your [...]
Why Your Grip Strength Is One of the Best Predictors of Your Life Span
A firm handshake is often considered polite, but it can also carry greater implications. Specifically, research has established a strong link between one's grip strength and their expected longevity. Those [...]
How ‘Bull Work’ Builds Stronger, Tougher Athletes
At Ultimate Advantage Training Center, we do lots of training that many would call “outside the box.” This is because we feel there are many things that are outside the [...]
Why Traditional Grip Training Can Sabotage Baseball Player’s Elbows
Old-school thinking tells us that baseball players need big forearms and a strong grip to swing faster and throw harder. However, the rapid increase in elbow and shoulder injuries among [...]
Everything You Need to Know About Lifting Straps
Grip strength often becomes a limiting factor with exercises like Hang Power Cleans, Deadlifts and Rows once an athlete becomes fairly strong. Simply put, their legs and back can handle [...]
Boost Your Loaded Carries With Lateral Movement
“I pick things up and put them down.” It's one of the most quotable lines from a certain gym's series of commercials, and it's also a simple way to explain [...]
Catch the Football Every Time: 18 Drills That Make It Easy
With that in mind, here are 18 wide receiver catching drills you can easily do every day in your backyard, basement or at school.
7 Grip Strengthening Exercises That Will Make You Better At Your Sport
As we all know, a strong grip will help you when it comes to the weight room. Holding a bar or doing Pull-Ups and being able to withstand the pain [...]
The Hook Grip Deadlift: Why Every Lifter Should Know This Powerful Technique
Have you ever noticed that most people can Deadlift more weight with straps than without straps? Have you ever taken your final heavy Deadlift at the gym or in a [...]
Use Pre-Exhaustion Supersets to Get Stronger
One question that strength coaches constantly get is: how do I push through a plateau. There are lots of ways to train around your main lifts to improve...