Grip Strength
3 Ways to Build Grip Strength for an Obstacle Course Race
In obstacle course racing(OCR) the first rule to training is building up your OCR grip strength. Each obstacle you face will work your grip to levels...
Get Strong for MMA With Loaded Carries
Loaded carries are one of the best bang-for-your-buck exercises for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitors, MMA fighters, or grapplers of any kind. They...
This Weightlifting Hack Builds a Stronger Back
When it comes to improving shoulder function and shoulder health a key factor is strong and efficient upper back and lat muscles. This is critical for...
4 Low-Back-Friendly Deadlift Alternatives
The Deadlift is by far one of the most beneficial exercises out there. It can be used to build great strength in the hips, lower back extensors, upper...
A Guide to Different Front Squat Grips
Chances are you have tried a front squat before and it either went great or the bar choked you, hurt your wrists, or felt like you were going to drop...
3 Less Common Kettlebell Exercises That Can Benefit Everyone
The Kettlebell is a beloved staple piece of equipment in nearly every gym across the world. The versatility and effectiveness of Kettlebell exercises...
Try This Farmer’s Walk Combo Workout to Build Full-Body Strength
Farmer's Walk: Taking This Convenient and Multifunctional Total Body Exercise to Another Level By Jim Carpentier, CSCS Next time you pick up a pair of...
4 Steps to a Stronger Grip
Grip strength is essential for all those who participate in resistance training through the use of weights. People often neglect the grip strengthening...
This Quick Tip Will Help You Immediately Lift More Weight
If your goal is to increase strength, or your sport requires you to have elite levels of strength, then you need to understand and master this one...
7 Tips For a Big Bench Press From Hugh Jackman’s Trainer
Chest day is to most lifters the most sacred of gym sessions. And the bench press is to chest day what adamantium is to Wolverine. Few moves are more...