Grocery Store
What America Can Learn From the UK’s Battle With Junk Food
The grocery store checkout line can be a dangerous place. As you wait to load your items onto the conveyor belt, a plethora of chips, candy bars, cookies and other [...]
This App Boils a Food’s Nutrition Down to a Single Number. Can it Help You Eat Healthier?
Nutrition is all about numbers. Carbs, calories, fats, micros, macros, daily values, serving sizes—every food carries a dizzying amount of data along with it. For the average American, it can [...]
Tom Brady’s Dessert When He’s on Vacation is Healthier Than Most of Your Meals
There's been a lot of news lately about Tom Brady's insanely strict diet. A recent story attempted to make the possibly robotic quarterback seem a bit more human by showing what [...]
Build Muscle and Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth With Protein Pudding
Almost all athletes have a sweet tooth. You can be as dedicated as anyone could ever be to a sound nutrition plan but cravings are sure to strike. If...
3 High-Protein Sources You’re Missing
Walk into any vitamin shop or even grocery store and you'll no doubt find a section dedicated to foods marketed as high protein sources of nutrition....
10 Summer Fitness Tips to Help You Get Ripped
Getting your summer fitness on isn't as complicated as you might think it is. If you're wanting get your body right for the beach or other summer...
5 Eating Rules the L.A. Lakers Live By
Ready to overhaul your nutrition? Maybe you want to switch to the Los Angeles Lakers PRO nutrition plan. But don’t rush into it. Your digestive system comprises enzymes, hormones and [...]
3 Recipes to Spice Up Chocolate Milk
I'm sure you've heard it before. Chocolate milk is one of the best post-workout drinks to build muscle and accelerate recovery. (Learn more about chocolate milk's benefits.) However, drinking the [...]
Turn 5 Main Ingredients into 25 Healthy Dinners
Athletes lead busy lives. Who has the time to cook dinner every night after spending time and money at the grocery store? One thing most of us have in abundance, [...]
3 Unconventional Tips for Healthy Eating
You became a competitive athlete because you enjoy a challenge. It isn't an easy process to reach the top. It takes hard work. Same with nutrition. If healthy eating came [...]