Head Injury
Females are at Higher Risk for Head Injuries
Sports-related head injuries in female athletes have significantly risen in the past decade. In high school, girls' concussions have increased 3 to 4 times more.
NFL Officially Bans The ‘Oklahoma Drill’
The Oklahoma Drill is no more—at least at the NFL level. The ban comes after league officials noticed teams consistently reporting high rates of concussions during the early portions of [...]
New Research Shows Aerobic Activity Shortly After Sustaining a Concussion Drastically Decreases Recovery Time
For decades, the prescription for a concussion was rest, rest and more rest. Only once the symptoms subsided should exercise resume. But new research from the University of Toronto shows [...]
New Study Reveals the Best Area to Aim for When Making a Tackle
The safest place to target a ballcarrier when making a tackle? According to a new study from Trinity College Dublin, it’s the lower trunk. Bioengineers used a combination of video [...]
How to Handle an Acute Injury While Training
Working out is supposed to make you stronger, healthier and feel better. But it’s also an activity that can leave you vulnerable to injury. You’ll be working with heavy equipment, [...]
Why Coaches, Athletic Trainers and Doctors Must Avoid Terminology That Downplays the Seriousness of a Concussion
In the athletic setting, injuries are a part of the game, there is no doubt about it. Strains, sprains, concussion, chronic overuse injuries, acute...
A Simple Spit Test May Revolutionize How We Diagnose Concussions
Diagnosing the severity of a concussion could soon be as simple as collecting a swab of saliva. New research from Penn State University has found that a select number of [...]
3 Ways You Can Spot a Teammate’s Concussion
The clock ticks down, you release the football, and it's a perfect pass to your receiver in the end zone. In that moment, your focus is on making a...
STUDY: Football Practice Without Helmets Reduces Concussion Risk, Improves Tackling Ability
Playing football without a helmet sounds like a recipe for a disaster, right? The helmet offers a critical layer of protection for the fragile head, neck and brain. Well, as [...]
New Rules For U.S. Youth Soccer Leagues Aim to Reduce Concussions
One of the hottest topics in sports right now is concussions. As more research is being done, people are finding out how serious a concussion can be, and how often [...]