Treating an Ankle Sprain
Most athletes have twisted an ankle at some point in their careers. Although ankle sprains are quite common, they aren't always minor injuries. If your ankle becomes swollen or painful [...]
Why We’ve Been Dealing With Injuries Wrong for 4 Decades
1978 – a year in which average gas price was $0.63, Jimmy Carter was president of the United States, Kobe Bryant was born and Pete Rose hit his 3000th...
Why You Shouldn’t Ice After a Workout
If you step into any pro, college or even high school sports training facility, you'll likely see some exhausted athletes laying in a tub of ice after a...
Holiday Wish List: The BandBell Bar Will Change the Way You Bench
The Bench Press is a great exercise to build upper-body muscles—your pecs, triceps and deltoids. But without proper form, you could fail to strengthen, or even injure, the smaller muscles [...]
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Athletes
Benefits of Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic care is an essential tool for athletes to maximize performance. The stressors that are put on your body as...
The Health and Recovery Benefits of Walking
"Walk It Off": Efficient Way to Get Back in the Game Sooner When Back Soreness Strikes By Jim Carpentier, CSCS "Walk it off." It's a popular adage for...
3 Great Ways to Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
The feeling is unmistakable. You take that first step out of bed the morning after a tough workout, and as soon as your foot hits the floor, a wave of...
How the Female Athlete Triad Can Ruin Your Sports Performance
Eating Disorders: How the Female Triad Will Ruin Your Performance Amy Jamieson-Petonic I really enjoy working with athletes, because they tend to be...
The Future of Sports Injury Rehabilitation
Can you heal a torn hamstring in two weeks instead of six, come back from a ligament sprain in half the time or even return from a severe knee injury [...]
Leading Doctor Changes Tune, Says You Shouldn’t Ice Injuries or for Recovery
R.I.C.E., which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, has been a go-to treatment for sports injuries and muscle soreness for decades. But Gabe Mirkin, the doctor who coined the term, [...]