Heart Disease
5 Ways to Stay Fit at Your Desk
Spending hours a day in front of a computer is now part of almost every job description. Combine that with a commute, meal times, and entertainment, and...
How Many Push-Ups Can You Do? Your Answer Could Predict Your Risk of an Early Death
Quick, how many Push-Ups can you do? No, not how many Push-Ups you say you can do—how many Push-Ups can you actually do before your muscles give out and you [...]
These 5 Alarming Stats Show Just How Bad the Average American Eats
It’s an appropriate coincidence that the acronym for the Standard American Diet is SAD. Also known as the Western pattern diet, the SAD uses available data to estimate the diet [...]
These Simple Eating Tips Will Improve Your Cardiovascular Health
In the United States the number one cause of death is heart disease. There are several changes to your diet that should be made in order to decrease...
What You Need to Know about Fats
What Are Fats: What You Need to Know This article is the second installment of our 3 part series on the different macronutrients. Part 1 was a detailed...
The Skinny on Good Fat vs. Bad Fat
All fats are not created equal. When it comes to trimming the fat some good fats we want to keep in our diet, and other bad fats we want to avoid as...
STUDY: Eat More Fruits and Veggies, Live (Almost) Forever
Thinkstock Need another reason to swap the sandwich for a salad at lunch? A new study conducted at University College London and published in the Journal of Epidemiology [...]
Why You Need Dietary Fiber—and Where to Get It
Dietary Fiber We learned recently why carbohydrates are not the enemy and are so important, especially for athletes. One of the main reasons to obtain...
Heart-Healthy Foods for Athletes on the Go
Heart Healthy Foods and How to Actually Fit Them Into Your Day! Cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol are two major concerns in our country....
Can the Paleo Diet Work for Athletes?
Athletes have much to learn from their ancient ancestors, who spent their days running from saber-toothed tigers and hunting for food. Early humans survived harsh conditions by fueling their bodies [...]