Hip Muscles
Happy Hips: Exercises to Keep Your Hips Healthy
In the 21st Century, the amount of hip arthroscopy has increased exponentially around the world. The procedures used to treat hip pain, hip impingement, and hip joint disorder have also [...]
How to Perfect the Hip Hinge
Ah, the hip hinge. This magical movement pattern serves as foundation for many of our lifting techniques, and yet, it is often performed incorrectly. This leads to squatty-looking Deadlifts and [...]
Fix Your Hips in 5 Minutes
Sitting at a desk all day stinks. I sit at a computer writing articles like this one. Many of you are stuck at school in some horribly uncomfortable desk, or [...]
2 Fixes for Tight Hips You’ve Never Tried Before
Nowadays, just about everyone feels their hips are too tight. It’s a complaint Ryan Summers and Matt Stevens, physical therapists and co-owners of Pure Physio (Strongsville, Ohio), hear all the [...]
The Copenhagen Hold: The Toughest Plank Variation You Aren’t Doing
Hip abduction exercises are super hot right now. Moves such as Clamshells and Lateral Band Walks target the glutes and the outside of our hips. Yet our adductors, or groin [...]
The ‘Phantom Step-Up’: Why This Unorthodox Exercise Is Amazing for Athletes
You put equal weight on both sides of the barbell. It’s up there with "no curling in the squat rack" and "always use a spotter when you max out" as [...]
‘Weird’ Hip Pain That Won’t Go Away? Try These 4 Fixes
Are you dealing with a strange, unexplainable pain in or around your hips? Maybe you can’t pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from, describe quite how it feels or even remember [...]
Why Better Rotation Is One of the Most Overlooked Ways to Increase Athletic Performance
First we build movement proficiency in a pattern. Then we build strength in that pattern. Lastly, we develop power to take our development of a pattern to the highest level. [...]
Why Soccer Players Need Strong Hips (and How to Build Them)
The hips do not lie. To neglect them as a soccer player would be hindering performance, decreasing speed and increasing risk of injury. Ever seen a player jump several feet [...]
Your Favorite Hip Flexor Stretch Is Actually Making You Tighter
On an almost weekly basis, I’ll begin working with a new client or athlete who waxes poetic on how “tight” his or her hip flexors are. https://youtu.be/zwQlgUQ_opU They’ll often point [...]