Why Alignment is Essential for Proper Joint Mobility
Mobility exercises will not be effective if your joints are not aligned properly. Alignment optimizes and improves their range of motion and mobility. Visualize it like this. A square peg [...]
4 Exercises to Improve Hip Mobility
For the most part, both athletes and adults could use more hip mobility. The way we live day-to-day whether that's sitting in classes, working at a desk, or taking on [...]
Front Squat 101: How to Master The Move in 5 Minutes
The Front Squat is a lower-body exercise that will strengthen your legs and hips, particularly your quads (thigh muscles) and glutes (butt muscles). Front Squats are similar to Back Squats, [...]
Happy Hips: Exercises to Keep Your Hips Healthy
In the 21st Century, the amount of hip arthroscopy has increased exponentially around the world. The procedures used to treat hip pain, hip impingement, and hip joint disorder have also [...]
Jump Higher With These 10 Tips You’ve Never Tried Before
For some athletes, vertical jump height is a major pain point. Everyone wants to jump higher, and when no one's proud of a weak vert. Those with the right DNA [...]
Hockey Players: Fix Your Bad Hips With These 3 Mobility Exercises
Tight, immobile hips bother practically every hockey player at all levels of competition. Being tight in the front of your hips can lead to a bunch of nasty side effects, [...]
Unlock Elite Athletic Performance With These 6 Hip-Strengthening Exercises
Your hips don't lie. When it comes to sports, everything originates from the hips. Whether you are running, jumping or rotating, the hips are always involved. They also play a [...]
3 Box Jump Variations That Build Explosive Power
The box jump is one of the most well-known and widely used exercises in existence to try and increase athletic performance. You can walk into any gym...
James Harrison Is Now Hip Thrusting Almost 700 Pounds, And The Entire NFL Should Be Terrified
We get it, James Harrison—you work out. Earlier today, the Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker posted yet another insane training video, which shows him performing Hip Thrusts with 675 pounds: [instagram src="https://www.instagram.com/p/BUOxi-9ALnx/"] I’m [...]
5 Core Exercises for Advanced Athletes
Core training is one of the most popular terms you will hear thrown around by coaches and athletes, yet many do not fully understand the actual function...