Hitting Drills
5 Grip Strength Builders to Improve Batting
Grip strength is an under-appreciated attribute. Most baseball athletes spend too little time building up their forearms. It's unfortunate, because being up to par here has a big carryover to [...]
3 Tips To Help You Become a Better Hitter
How tired are you of baseball's biggest batting cliché, "hitters are born, not made"? When it comes to effective baseball hitting training and development, a solid sense of correct hitting [...]
Baseball Swing Exercises to Improve Hitting Power
Locating and driving a 90-mph fastball is one of the most impressive feats of hand-eye coordination in all of sports. It's the one skill where if you succeed only 30 [...]
Try This Baseball Hitting Drill For a Balanced Swing
The Step-Back Hitting Drill is a favorite of mine, because it addresses so many aspects of the swing. Incorporate it into your training to reinforce your weight shift, keep your [...]
Improve Your Hitting and Throwing Power With Baseball-Specific Core Exercises
Most baseball players understand that core strength is critical—how else could you perform basic skills like throwing a ball or swinging a bat? However, to properly train the core for [...]
How and When to Hit a Slap Bunt
A softball team’s ability to move runners can determine its success, and a slap bunt is a great way to get ’em moving. “We call it the short-game slap,” says [...]
Cut Down on Strikeouts With a Hitting Drill From Jimmy Rollins
Stuck in a batting slump? Tired of hitting dribblers back to the pitcher or missing everything you swing at? Try the Single-Arm Soft Toss, a hitting drill that Philadelphia Phillies [...]
New Swing, More Power for Curtis Granderson
Turns out the three exercise complexes for building strength and explosiveness are not the only things responsible for Curtis Granderson’s increased power at the plate. The New York Yankees center [...]
One-Handed Hitting Drill for Improved Bat Swing
UC Irvine associate head baseball coach Pat Shine demonstrates a One-Handed Hitting Drill to help you improve your bat swing . Shine implements the drill daily in the Anteaters' [...]
Develop Quicker Bat Speed With South Alabama
The battle for dominance between a pitcher and hitter is one of the greatest one-on-one competitions in any sport. But once batters learn how the University of South Alabama baseball [...]