Hydration Strategies for Athletes Looking to Boost Performance
Hydration is a crucial aspect of athletic performance, and as the deep summer nears and the weather warms, it becomes increasingly important to stay hydrated for both overall wellness and [...]
Basketball Hydration – Pre, During, and Post-Competition
Hydration is not just about drinking water and Gatorade. Yes, those are the easiest ways to replace water and electrolyte loss in your body. But if your body is a [...]
3 Free Sports Recovery Strategies
Train, rest, repeat. This is a common mantra seen on t-shirts everywhere, with ‘train’ often replaced with the sport of choice. It sums up the training and adaptation process nicely. [...]
Make Your Own Sports Drink
It can be tough having to go from either school, sports practice, or competition straight to the weight room. While it is always best to leave 4-6 hours between sports [...]
Should Young Athletes Worry About Their Salt Intake?
Yes, young athletes should be concerned about their salt intake and where the salt is coming from. It is easy for anyone, including young athletes, to unknowingly eat too much salt. And too much salt is bad for your health.
Build a Healthy Nutrition Foundation for Youth Athletes
Healthy nutritional habits and a healthy lifestyle start in the home and environment for youth athletes. What kids learn in the home carries on with them for a lifetime, so [...]
Include These Hydrating-Boosting Foods In Your Training
With the warm weather during spring and the upcoming summer months, it's especially important for middle school, high school and college student-athletes to stay well-hydrated. Lost fluids from perspiration in [...]
How To Eat Healthy While Working From Home
It's crazy to think that most of us have been in this "work from home" mode for almost a year now. For even those that have gone back to work [...]