ice hockey
Why Hockey and Lacrosse Go Hand-in-Hand
Hockey and lacrosse often go hand-in-hand. The lacrosse I'm referring to, of course, is box lacrosse and the hockey I'm referring to is ice hockey. Field lacrosse is a little [...]
The Scandal That Sank Hockey Canada
Ice hockey was invented in Canada and is essentially its national sport. Given that, many Canadians view Hockey Canada, the organization that governs amateur hockey in Canada, as a sort [...]
Russian Hockey’s Secret Training Weapon
When watching the Russians play hockey, it has been said it looks like they are doing ballet on the ice. And they were! Russian doctors, trainers, and coaches specifically designed [...]
In-Season Hockey Strength Training Program
Strength training in-season is much different than training pre-season. You don’t need to do it so much because you are only trying to maintain, not develop, strength. During the season, [...]